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Нюансы рассматриваемого вопроса
Особенности составления технического плана ОКС
В завершение сегодняшнего материала давайте обратим внимание на нюансы рассматриваемого вопроса. К счастью, большого количества особенностей он не имеет и существенная часть из них уже рассмотрена выше
Однако несколько нюансов все же отмечено не было, поэтому представляем их следующим перечнем в формате «Вопрос – Ответ»:
- Что делать, если между техническим планом и ОКС имеются различия? – Отозвать неактуальную техническую документацию путем оформления новых документов с внесением в таковые соответствующих изменений и их предоставлением в Росреестр или МФЦ.
- Что будет, если неправильно оформить техплан? – Ничего страшного, его лишь не примут в кадастровом госоргане и затребуют исправить имеющиеся недочеты.
- Сколько стоит оформление тех. документации на ОКС? – От 2 000 рублей. Окончательная стоимость услуги зависит от региона проживания, где проводится процедура оформления документа, и размерности, сложности описываемого ОКС.
На этом, пожалуй, наиболее важная и нужная рядовому гражданину информации по сегодняшней теме подошла к концу. Надеемся, представленный выше материал был для вас полезен. Удачи в оформлении технической документации!
О том как поставить на кадастровый учет объекты капитального строительства вы можете узнать, посмотрев видео:
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10 Окт 2017 kasjanenko
Особенности бойлера
Ознакомьтесь также с этими статьями
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Практичность применения аккумуляторных пил
Особенности водонагревателя Drazice OKC 200 NTR:
- мощный спиральный теплообменник;
- максимальная температура отопительной воды 110°C, давление 1 MPa;
- термостат;
- предохранительный клапан;
- эмалированный стальной резервуар;
- встроенный магниевый анод;
- качественная полиуретановая изоляция;
- сигнализация работы водонагревателя;
- точный контроль температуры воды;
- возможность включения циркуляции;
- простая установка и присоединение к источнику отопительной воды;
- очень быстрый нагрев воды.
Возведение в абсолют
В мае 2018 года агентство Reuters со ссылкой на свои источники сообщило, что «Абсолют Банк» выставлен на продажу. Согласно отчетности по РСБУ, по итогам 2017 года убыток банка превысил 4 млрд рублей, а в 2016 году достигал 10 млрд рублей. В конце ноября 2018 года акционеры банка приняли решение о его докапитализации на 6 млрд рублей. Этот процесс, по ожиданиям банка, должен завершиться весной 2019 года.
Проблемы с капиталом у «Абсолют Банка» возникли из-за санации Балтинвестбанка и внедрения нового стандарта отчетности — МСФО 9. Из-за новых правил кредитная организация лишилась в конце 2017 года 65% капитала, писали в своем исследовании аналитики рейтингового агентства Fitch.
Однако рост стоимости акций ОКС ничего не дает банку, говорит младший вице-президент агентства Moody’s Светлана Павлова. «Если бы акции компании ОКС были на балансе банка, то рост их стоимости мог бы положительно сказаться на его прибыли и капитале, но поскольку компания, напротив, владелец банка, то динамика ее акций никак не отражается на его финансовых показателях», — объясняет она.
Банк в первую очередь все же характеризуют качество его активов, а также конкурентная политика в ключевых сегментах и перспективы банковского бизнеса в целом, добавляет директор «Эксперт РА» Владимир Тетерин.
Что касается финансового положения банка, то Moody’s считает текущий уровень его капитализации низким, из-за чего рейтинг «Абсолют Банка» находится на пересмотре в сторону понижения. Согласно последней отчетности по российским стандартам на 1 января, показатель достаточности капитала банка первого уровня (Н1.2) составлял 7,4% при минимуме с учетом надбавок 7,875% (без учета надбавок — 6%). При этом по консолидированной отчетности по МСФО за третий квартал у группы, включающей Балтинвестбанк, этот показатель и вовсе составлял всего 2,3% от активов.
«Банк был докапитализирован на 6 млрд рублей со стороны НПФ «Благосостояние» в третьем квартале 2018 года, в 2019 году он ожидает вливания капитала в размере еще 6 млрд рублей от акционеров, а также дополнительной поддержки из другого источника. Однако относительно этой поддержки сохраняется неопределенность, что оказывает давление на рейтинг банка», — говорит Светлана Павлова.
Alyssa Bereznak’s Gizmodo Article
Alyssa Bereznak’s Gizmodo Article was an article published in August of 2011 to the tech news blog Gizmodo, which featured intern Alyssa Bereznak’s OkCupid date with the world champion Magic: The Gathering player Jon Finkel. In the article, Bereznak insulted Finkel for playing the card game and revealed that she would not have dated him if she were aware of the hobby beforehand. After the story was submitted to Reddit, Bereznak was inundated with attacks from various Redditors and Finkel participated in an «ask me anything» thread on the social news website.

Body Type & Attractiveness Filters
In early 2013, OKCupid implemented a new premium feature enabling its users to filter out their potential dates by body type (ranging from thin, fit and average to jacked, curvy and full figured) as well as a five-star scoring system. While the filter options had been available for premium users of the site for some time, the features began drawing attention shortly after Mashable ran an article titled «OKCupid Charges $4.95 to Filter by Body Type» on October 2nd, 2013.

That same day, Mashable’s report was immediately picked up by mainstream and internet news outlets alike, from Gawker, The Daily Dot and Slate to The Daily Mail, TIME and ABC News, with many of them raising skepticism as to the accuracy of the crowdsourced filter system. In response to the news coverage, OKCupid’s spokesperson promptly issued a statement via Mashable clarifying the company’s decision to reserve the filter options for premium site users:
Mozilla Firefox Boycott
On March 31st, 2014, OKCupid began displaying a full-page plea asking its Mozilla Firefox browser users to switch to another browser in a boycott protest against Javascript creator and Mozilla’s newly appointed CEO Brendan Eich, who has publicly supported and donated the Proposition 8, a controversial bill that put an end to gay marriage in the state of California.

OKCupid’s public shaming, which came days after several employees of the company asked the CEO to step down via Twitter, quickly spread across the tech news blogosphere while Eich came under the scrutiny of the Internet blogosphere and social media, spawning hashtags like #boycottmozilla and #boycottfirefox.

In response to the backlash, Eich issued a statement on his blog reassuring people that he will take a series of measures to create an inviting environment for everyone. Then on April 3rd, Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker announced the departure of Brendan Eich from the nonprofit organization and its foundation board. Eich’s resignation was largely welcomed by the tech news blogs as a small triumph for equal rights in online communities, while some conservatives on Twitter shot back with accusations of intolerance against family values.
Оскар является основателем многих предприятий и организаций. Среди них:
- KupiVIP.
- Aktivo.
- CarPrice.
- FactoryMarket.
- CarFix.
- R2club.
Рассказывая о биографии Оскара Хартманна и его предприятиях, надо отметить, что также он является членом совета директоров «Альфа-Банка», а еще председателем попечительского совета организации «Рыбаков Фонд».
Кроме этого, бизнесмен основал и стал партнером нескольких инвестиционных фондов и более 50 раз вложил финансовые средства в развитие интернет-компаний.
Портфель венчурных инвестиций Оскара Хартманна насчитывает несколько десятков компаний по всему миру.
- August 23, 2011: Mattel requests the trademark for C.A. Cupid.
- February 01, 2012: Walmart sends out an ad containing a photo of a Monster High C.A. Cupid doll that looks different from the one in stores. This is believed to be a prototype version. The box behind the doll identifies her as Amore Cupid.
- December 19, 2012: C.A. Cupid is hinted to leave Monster High through the Boo Year’s Eve Countdown Calendar.
- April 23, 2013: C.A. Cupid is announced to leave Monster High through On the Air with C.A. Cupid.
- May 30, 2013: C.A. Cupid makes her cartoon debut in «Raven’s Tale: The Story of a Rebel».
- September 04, 2013: C.A. Cupid’s is published on the Ever After High website.
- September 04, 2013: C.A. Cupid’s profile art is revealed.
- October 08, 2013: C.A. Cupid makes her book debut in The Storybook of Legends.
- Mid December, 2013: C.A. Cupid’s first doll is released as part of the ‘Signature — Rebels‘ series.
- Mid December, 2013: C.A. Cupid makes her diary debut in her ‘Signature — Rebels‘ diary.
C.A. Cupid was left on the doorstep of Eros’s temple as a baby. Why her biological parents did this, provided they were the ones to do it, and who they were is unknown. C.A. was adopted by Eros, the Greek primordial god of procreation. He taught her the family business and gave her wings. She describe Aphrodite as her ”aunt”, and also the other gods, like Athena, Poseidon, and Apollo, and Hermes as her ”cousin”. In her Monster High SSS diary, she mentions that she has an adoptive mother and siblings. In the mythology Eros had only one wife — Psyche, and only one child — Hedone, but this was the type of Eros who was the son of Aphrodite, and since she is described as her aunt, it’s unlikely that Psyche is C. A. Cupid’s adoptive mother, and that Hedone is her adoptive sibling. The identity of the rest of her adoptive family, besides Eros, is still unclear.
Cupid considers herself closely knit with anyone who has an open heart. One notable friend of hers is Dexter Charming, who is a good listener and vice-versa; the two hang out together a lot. According to her profile bio wording, she claims her friends are «Apple White, Raven Queen, and anyone in between with an open heart», while her monster bio of Monster High does not mention any names in particular.
Team Monster High (Draculaura, Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Lagoona Blue, Operetta and Invisi Billy) will always remain close friends to her.
Cupid has no pet because she can’t choose one, according to Monster High. In The Storybook of Legends however, when the students must call an animal companion to them, a Pegasus named Philia comes to Cupid. In “Fairy’s Got Talent”, she has a Pegasus named Peggy.
Cupid has had no romantic interests in Monster High until she accidentally shot her arrows into herself and Clawd Wolf in «Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?». In Ever After High, she has a big crush on Dexter Charming, but he is unaware of her feelings. She swoons frequently when Dexter speaks to her or is nearby. Even though it saddens her, she helps him express his feelings for Raven Queen. However, she has moved on from her affections for Dexter during the events of «Faybelle’s Choice».
OkCupid Member Structure
- Over 50 million users worldwide
- Majority of users come from the United States
- Member activity is high
- There are more male members than female
- Most members fall between the age range of 25-34
- Members look for a variety of relationship types
The member base of OkCupid come from different walks of life. There is a good percentage of members in every age range, but the majority lies in the 25 to 34 range. Most are young professionals who are looking to pass the time or explore if the app can get them a suitable date. OkCupid requires its users to disclose what exactly it is they are looking for on the dating site. The choices are ‘short-term dating’, ‘long-term dating’, ‘hookups’, and ‘new friends’.
Before, OkCupid was known for finding casual dates or hookups. Today, most members are looking for long-term dating and lifetime partners. We also observed that male members are more active in messaging the female users. But, a lot of male members encourage the users who like them to send them a message. They indicate this on their profile summary.
Местный колорит
Через OkCupid я встретила несколько типичных израильтян. Например, Шахар, который был одновременно веганом и активным левым. Веганство и социализм в Израиле сейчас в тренде, и это в целом неплохо, если не становится одержимостью. На первой нашей встрече мы очень долго пили зеленый чай, а потом очень долго ходили по парку, и все это время он не переставая рассказывал про свой политический активизм. Свидание превратилось в манифестацию его взглядов.
Или, например, Борис – единственный мужчина русского происхождения из моих знакомств на OkCupid. На встречу он пришел, дыша расслабленностью не самого легального происхождения, говорил много и невнятно. Рассказывал про то, что играет на гитаре в новом бэнде. Прекрасный способ почувствовать, что вам снова 17 лет.
На самом деле каждый из встреченных мной посредством этого приложения мужчин достоин отдельной статьи. Были поклонники йоги и здорового питания, театральные актеры, аспиранты-психологи, охранники, банковские служащие. С кем-то из них я встретилась не по одному разу, но в большинстве своем это были короткие встречи, не перешедшие ни во что большее. Цель, которую я преследовала тогда, была достигнута: развеять скуку, найти собеседника, сходить на несколько свиданий просто ради интереса (навыки хождения на свидания тоже надо тренировать). Но со временем и это наскучило
Так что вскоре я удалила приложение с телефона и обратила внимание на реальный мир, который очень быстро принес мне знакомство с будущим мужем. Но это уже совсем другая история.
The Heroes of Olympus
The Son of Neptune
Cupid does not make a physical appearance, but he is mentioned. Frank Zhang and Percy Jackson think that Thanatos is Cupid. Thanatos states that he is frequently mistaken for Cupid. Thanatos mentions that Death and Love have more in common than people think.
The House of Hades
Cupid has Diocletian’s scepter and refuses to give Jason Grace and Nico di Angelo the scepter until Nico admits something out loud. Nico attacks the invisible Cupid with Skeleton Warriors until Nico admits that he left Camp Half-Blood for love and his feelings for Percy. After Nico admits his feelings, Cupid turns visible and tells him that the only way to conquer love is to face it.
Cupid is kind and helpful in matters of love. While she’s very much career-driven, she can be distracted from her work when she is near her crush. However as she’s aware that she’s a student with a unique destiny, she’s still searching for her family heritage. Cupid is loyal to her job as an advice show presenter and as a friend. When it comes to matters of love, Cupid swallows her pride and puts her friends’ needs before her own. She is revealed to be allergic to pollen to the extent that she needs an inhaler in the webisode Heart Struck. She also is actually a Sagittarius, not an Aquarius, as her birthday is November 24th, not February 14th. Just like Dexter Charming, her official name in the books (Suzanne Selfors books, because she is not revealed as «C.A.» in the Shannon Hale books), and doll box name as well as doll logs/doll diaries; is her nickname, rather than her full name.
Cupid has long, wavy, bright-pink-and-light-pink hair accentuated with white strands. She has pale skin which in the webisodes her skin has a pink tint to it, blue eyes, and ivory feathered wings. She dresses in shades of pink, as well as white, black, and bronze. Her choice of apparel is Ancient Greek-based, but adjusted to incorporate more modern elements. Her overall look is finalized with heart, arrow, and feather symbols.
As Ever After High’s show presenter to help her fellow students solve their love problems, presenting is one of Cupid’s most known jobs, as she excels in giving advice to her friends. She is a true supporter of love and does everything within her power to bring people together, though her love advice is rarely applicable to herself. She also has a tendency to doodle pictures in her notebooks whenever she’s bored or in a daydreaming state.
Cupid joined the world of Monster High in Late 2011 and was involved in a few stories up until Early 2013. On December 19, 2012, as part of the new year events of Monster High, Cupid’s entry of the Boo Year’s Eve Countdown Calendar was released. The entry’s exact words are «I want to continue to help others navigate the thrills and chills of love in 2013—not just at Monster High but around the world. By branching out, I scream of learning more about myself! Where do you want to go in 2013?» On April 23, 2013, this was followed up by an announcement of C.A. during On the Air with C.A. Cupid that she would be «starting a new chapter in an enchanting place where can help others follow their true heart’s desires. The radio show is going on break while stuff, and clawesome new adventure.»
In Monster High, C.A. she had white skin with charred-looking hands and feet and ribcage wings. In Ever After High, C.A. has taken on a human appearance. Her skin has become mono-colored and her wings are feathered. Her personality has also undergone a change. She still does her work by radio and actively pursues her own love story, even if at the cost of another’s, while Cupid in Monster High took joy out of bringing people together and, had peace with the fact most boys were romantically intimidated by her.
в Ever After Highправить
День рождения: | 14 февраля в Monster High 24 ноября
). |
Любимая еда: | Кексы, испеченные с любовью и конфеты в форме сердечек. |
Цитата: | «Все настолько привыкли следовать предписанным историям судьбы, что никто не знает, как следовать за голосом своего сердца. Я здесь, чтобы изменить это!». |
История родителей: | про родителей я ничего не знаю. Ну а приёмные родители не из сказки они миф. |
Соседка по комнате: | Блонди Локс. |
Тайное желание сердца: | Хотя мне и нравится показывать другим дорогу к настоящей любви, мне пора начать включать в этот список и себя. |
Мой «волшебный» талант: | Все знают, что стрелы могут заставить человека влюбиться, но мой настоящий «волшебный» талант — помогать людям слушать голос сердца. Так как я не умею пользоваться луком. |
Романтическая история: | Мне очень нравится Декстер Чарминг, но я не знаю, как признаться ему в своих чувствах. |
Момент, когда хочется воскликнуть «проклятье!»: | Я ужасно стреляю из лука. Это настолько не в моем стиле. |
Любимый предмет: | Мифология. Мой папа всегда говорит, что всегда нужно знать, откуда ты пришел — чтобы знать, куда ты идешь сейчас и что ждет тебя в будущем. |
Нелюбимый предмет: | Королевская математика. Я уже говорила, и повторю еще раз — не все можно ‘решить при помощи уравнения. |
Лучшие подруги: | Эппл Вайт, Рейвен Квин и все, у кого искреннее и открытое сердце. |
Попробуй угадать эти телефоны (это невозможно)
In Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes, Eros is described as «devilishly handsome». His appearance changes in the way his mother’s does: It changes to appeal to each person who gazes upon him.
In The House of Hades, Cupid is described as a lean, muscular young man with snowy white wings, and he wore a simple white frock and jeans, with a bow and quiver slung over his shoulder. He has straight black hair, blood-red eyes that looked as if «every valentine in the world were squeezed dry, distilled into one poisonous mixture», and a face that was handsome but also harsh — «as difficult to look at as a spotlight». His voice is described as rich and deep, but threatening like a tremor before an earthquake.
Advanced Filters: Step 3
“Step Two” gives a good assortment of search options, but if you know the person you’re searching for well or still don’t have results, select the “More” button (shown here):
Doing so will add search options for education, kids, pets, and even a way to search for open-ended (you enter the search term) interests. Choosing common interests (“hiking”) may yield hundreds of thousands of results, but those will be reduced by the other search filters you’ve selected.
Meanwhile, less common interests (e.g., “quantum physics”) will narrow the field. However, there is no point searching for something the person you’re looking for wouldn’t select. Try different searches.
This section is missing sources and may contain inaccurate and unverified info. Please help by adding appropriate references.
2015–2016: Debut with «I Feel Good»
On April 29, 2015, IN Entertainment debuted their first girl group, Cupid, consisting of Bona, their leader, their rappers Nanayuri and Jenna and Sarang. In an interview, Bona revealed she named the group herself. Cupid debuted with their first single «I Feel Good», receiving moderate promotion and some attention.
2016: Lineup changes, new agency & «Merry Christmas»
In early 2016, Sarang left Cupid to pursue an acting career and a new member, Yera, was announced however, Yera didn’t join Cupid and Amin was instead revealed as the new member. Nanayuri also left a few months later and Pureum joined.
Shortly after Pureum’s addition, Cupid left IN Entertainment, resulting in Jenna, Amin and Pureum’s departures with Amin remaining in IN and joining Fantastie while Cupid moved to Narda Entertainment. Nanayuri rejoined Cupid after their move and Cupid made their first comeback with a collaboration single called «Summer Time» featuring Rion Five. Near the end of 2016, new members Seolyi and Dohee joined Cupid and the group released a holiday single, «Merry Christmas», featuring classic Christmas song covers.
2017–2018: MIXNINE & «Sea»
Seolyi silently left Cupid in early 2017 and, around April, Cupid revealed their new member, Hyemi (then revealed as Sopia and later called SaetByeol) and filmed a new music video for «Summer Time» with Rion Five.
Around August, Nanayuri also silently left the group for a second time and Cupid continued as a trio, making an appearance around October with a fancam of Bona dancing to Sunmi’s «Gashina» briefly going viral in South Korea. Cupid entered MIXNINE without success though photos of the group’s audition was posted along with a clip of Dohee’s interview making it onto the show. In December 2017, Dohee revealed her departure in comments when a fan asked if she had left Cupid.
Cupid resumed activities as a duo in 2018 and released their first new song in nearly two years «Sea» which is a collaboration with Chic Angel. Cupid also opened an official YouTube account when the music video was released.
2019: Disbandment
In early 2019, Hyemi removed all references to Cupid from her Instagram. Later that summer, Bona replied to a fan in her Instagram story saying «Thank you for remembering Cupid» which led fans to ask about Cupid’s status and she confirmed Cupid had disbanded.
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OkCupid’s Review Scorecard
Shipping & Returns Policies
Free Returns & Exchanges:
International Shipping:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer international shipping currently. OkCupid international shipping policies review
Curbside Pickup:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer curbside pickup currently. OkCupid curbside pickup review
Payment Options
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept PayPal currently. PayPal review
Debit & Prepaid Cards:
Google Pay:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Google Pay currently. OkCupid Google Pay support review
Apple Pay:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Apple Pay currently. OkCupid Apple Pay review
Amazon Pay:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Amazon Pay currently. OkCupid Amazon Pay support review
Pricing & Discount Policies
Official Coupons Page:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer official coupons page currently. official coupons page review
AARP Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer AARP discounts currently. OkCupid AARP discounts review
Military Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer military discounts currently. OkCupid military discounts review
Student Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer student discounts currently. student discount policies review
Price Matching:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer price matching currently. OkCupid price matching review
Birthday Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer birthday discounts currently. birthday discount policies review
Senior Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer senior discounts currently. OkCupid senior discount policies review
Teacher Discounts:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer teacher discounts currently. teacher discount policies review
Competitor Coupons:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept competitor coupons currently. OkCupid competitor coupons review
Coupon Stacking:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not allow coupon stacking currently. OkCupid coupon stacking review
Sales Events:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer sales events currently. sales and promotions review
Black Friday Ads Page:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer Black Friday Ads Page currently. Black Friday Ads Page review
Cyber Monday Sales:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer Cyber Monday sales currently. OkCupid Cyber Monday page review
Customer Service Features
Gift Cards:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer gift cards currently. gift cards review
Money-back Guarantee:
Loyalty Programs:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer loyalty programs currently. OkCupid loyalty programs review
Price Transparency:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not offer price transparency currently. OkCupid price transparency review
Contact Information:
Social Media Pages:
Financing Options
Affirm Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Affirm financing currently. Affirm financing support review
Afterpay Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Afterpay financing currently. Afterpay financing review
Sezzle Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Sezzle financing currently. Sezzle financing support review
Klarna Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Klarna financing currently. OkCupid Klarna financing review
QuadPay Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept QuadPay financing currently. OkCupid QuadPay financing review
Splitit Financing:
Our review: Our team is still researching OkCupid’s Splitit financing support. Check back soon for update. Splitit financing review
Bread Financing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not accept Bread financing currently. OkCupid Bread financing support review
Website Features
Website Security & Privacy:
Marketing Programs
Affiliate Marketing:
Our review: It appears that OkCupid may not do affiliate marketing currently. affiliate marketing programs review
The least skipped
There’s nothing like agreeing on a no-brainer answer to a question with a new date. Below are the questions that people are least likely to skip—which means these are great to test on a date to see if you’re on the same page.
It’s great to see topical and ethical questions up there, like the ones about government-required vaccines and interracial marriage. But it’s interesting to see those strong questions alongside ones like “Are carbohydrates something you think about?” Then again, doughnuts are objectively delicious.
If this chart tells us anything, it’s that there is no trend in easily discussable topics. It’s sort of all over the place. Just like, sigh, life.